Command Handlers#

Hikari does not have an inbuilt command handler, but you can pick from some commonly used ones for hikari:

Given below are basic example of how these command handlers work.


Lightbulb is an easy to use command handler with a simple interface and many other utils & extensions.

Github: tandemdude/hikari-lightbulb

Example command

import lightbulb
from hikari import Intents

intents = Intents(Intents.ALL_UNPRIVILEGED | Intents.MESSAGE_CONTENT)

# lightbulb.BotApp is a subclass of hikari.GatewayBot
bot = lightbulb.BotApp("token", "prefix", intents=intents) 

# adding the command to bot
# adding information about the command
@lightbulb.command("ping", "replies with pong")
# mentioning the command type
@lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand, lightbulb.PrefixCommand)
# command callback
async def ping(context: lightbulb.Context) -> None:
    await context.respond("pong")


An application command only command handler which allows you to make app commands using simple functions and classes.

Github: magpie-dev/hikari-crescent

Example Command

import crescent

bot = crescent.Bot("token")

# using command function

@bot.include  # adding the command to the bot
@crescent.command  # defining command type
async def ping(context: crescent.Context) -> None:  # callback
    await context.respond("Pong!")

# using classes

class Echo:
    text: crescent.option(type=str, description="the text to send.")

    async def callback(self, context: crescent.Context) -> None:  # callback function
        await context.respond(self.text)


A flexible command framework designed to extend Hikari.

It allows you to have more control over the workflow than the other command handlers.

Github: FasterSpeeding/Tanjun

Example Command

import hikari
import tanjun

# defining a GatewayBot for tanjun handler to use
gatewaybot = hikari.GatewayBot(
        hikari.Intents.ALL_UNPRIVILEGED | hikari.Intents.MESSAGE_CONTENT
client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(gatewaybot).add_prefix("prefix")

component = tanjun.Component(name="ping command component")
client.add_component(component) # adding the component to bot.

# a simple message ping command
async def ping(context: -> None:
    await context.respond("pong!")

# a simple slash ping command
@tanjun.as_slash_command("ping", "slash ping command")
async def ping_slash(context: -> None:
    await context.respond("pong!")